Dhaka Community Hospital Trust
Health is the fundamental right of the people. Nursing service is one of the vital areas in the health care delivery system of any country. Different recent surveys reveal that there is a service scarcity of nurses in the health care facilities both in public and private sectors in Bangladesh.
In response to that Dhaka Community Hospital Trust, established Nursing Institute and started Diploma in Nursing science and Midwifery course in 2011 and as a continuation and up gradation is going to start B.SC in Nursing (4 year) and B.Sc in Nursing (2 year) courses. Because the medical science and other technology is advancing rapidly which
demand the nurses with advanced skill and capable of providing client- centered holistic evidence based care to people.
The goal and objective of the course is to prepare the nurses who will be able to provide promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative advanced care to the people and function as nurses administrator, teacher in the different health care delivery settings in Bangladesh. Total (479) students have passed all courses (B.Sc in Nursing 29 students, Post Basic B. Sc in Nursing 160 students and Diploma in nursing science and Midwifery 290 student). Currently 150 students for are studying for Diploma in Nursing science and Midwifery course. 160 students are B.Sc in Nursing and 80 students.
Due to Corona virus pandemic the Government declared closure of all academic institutions in the country from March, 2020. But the Nursing teachers had continuously conducted their on-line classes through Face book, Messenger and Zoom ect. By the grace of God, we are able to keep our Dhaka Community Nursing College and Institution opened form july,2021.
The academic faculty of Dhaka Community Nursing College consists of sufficient number of experienced, trained and dedicated teaching staffs.
DCNC has modernized teaching laboratories.
DCNC has modern library with sufficient number of text books, references books and journals.
190/1 Boro Moghbazar Wireless Gate, Dhaka 1217
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